New Year, New Me

New year, new me. Every heard of that phrase? I’m sure you have. Each year when the clock strikes midnight on NYE, the internet is flooded with tweets and selfies with this quote. But, do they mean it? Does anyone ever feel that way? I don’t, that’s for sure. The closest I get to feeling… Continue reading New Year, New Me

Too much of a good thing.

Have you ever heard the phrase “you can’t have too much of a good thing”? Well I have. Over. And over. And over. And over. And I used to believe it. In fact, I used to use that statement as my excuse to bombard myself with busyness. Every time I felt myself slipping a little,… Continue reading Too much of a good thing.

I’m Perfecting Busyness

Perfect outfit. Perfect Pictures. Perfect home. Perfect life. Right? Well. Sometimes, right. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting in my living room surrounded by pillows on the floor, shoes scattered all over my entryway, dirty dishes waiting to be cleaned, dirty laundry piled up upstairs, and the remains of two graduate papers waiting on me.… Continue reading I’m Perfecting Busyness

Five Years Deep

“We’ll never know the deep, deep love of God” Those were some of the words that I sang at church this morning before heading back to Kentucky. Those were some of the words that I hummed to between sips of black cherry soda. Those were some of the words that I had 5.5 hours through… Continue reading Five Years Deep

Looks, lenses, and laughter

My life as a photographer has always felt like somewhat of a double standard.
 There, I said it. Those horrible words. I have made a career where my focal point is helping people to feel comfortable, beautiful/handsome, and confident in the body that God has designed for them. And I love it. I love that… Continue reading Looks, lenses, and laughter

Unraveled to be raveled. (a lesson on choosing joy)

Have you ever known something was off within yourself - but you have absolutely know idea what that something is? I sure have. That has been my life for the last week or so. Those close to me frequently poke fun at me for always talking about joy, and about constantly and deliberately choosing it.… Continue reading Unraveled to be raveled. (a lesson on choosing joy)