Five Years Deep

“We’ll never know the deep, deep love of God” Those were some of the words that I sang at church this morning before heading back to Kentucky. Those were some of the words that I hummed to between sips of black cherry soda. Those were some of the words that I had 5.5 hours through… Continue reading Five Years Deep

The Space Between Mary and Martha.

Mary and Martha? I’m speaking from the story from Luke 10 which reads: "As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha… Continue reading The Space Between Mary and Martha.

A slice of humble …

A slice of humble - brownie? Yes brownie. Not pie. Humble. This is such a tricky word sometimes. I try to be humble. 
But sometimes the line of what being humble becomes blurred with putting yourself down, or being too prideful. That’s right, I said it - too prideful. But how can this be? Aren’t… Continue reading A slice of humble …

Looks, lenses, and laughter

My life as a photographer has always felt like somewhat of a double standard.
 There, I said it. Those horrible words. I have made a career where my focal point is helping people to feel comfortable, beautiful/handsome, and confident in the body that God has designed for them. And I love it. I love that… Continue reading Looks, lenses, and laughter

Red; bold red.

Last week something strange happened. I was sitting in my living room Thursday working on a paper and I began to notice something was wrong. I felt a small patch of hives on my upper left cheek forming. But I figured If I let them be, they would go away. I continued working on my… Continue reading Red; bold red.

Unraveled to be raveled. (a lesson on choosing joy)

Have you ever known something was off within yourself - but you have absolutely know idea what that something is? I sure have. That has been my life for the last week or so. Those close to me frequently poke fun at me for always talking about joy, and about constantly and deliberately choosing it.… Continue reading Unraveled to be raveled. (a lesson on choosing joy)

Seeking 31.

Proverbs 31. I have always found this to be such a daunting chapter of the Bible. In middle school someone told me that with the heart I had, I had the greatest potential to be a Proverbs 31 woman of anyone my age they had seen in a while. Someone else once told me that… Continue reading Seeking 31.

Scattered & Shattered (Perceptions)

Perception is such a fickle thing. It is so subjective. So temporary. So inconsistent. So stressful. So biased. And it can be so cruel. Right? Sort of. It depends on what you base your perception on. It depends on who you base your perception on. When I am making a personal comparison based on myself,… Continue reading Scattered & Shattered (Perceptions)

Things Lifeguarding Taught Me Pt. 3: Jump

Jump. Don’t jump. Those are the two thoughts that cross my mind as I lifeguard and I make the judgment call as to whether the swimmer is in need of help. I’m a saver. I guard and save lives; it’s what I do. In a split second I have to discern whether I jump into… Continue reading Things Lifeguarding Taught Me Pt. 3: Jump

Campfire, Convictions, and Childlike Faith

This past week was the first regular season week of the camp I work at. It was hectic at times. It was jumbled at times. It was overwhelming at times.
It was filled with stress at times. It seemed impossible at times. at times. And there is a trend that I picked up on with those… Continue reading Campfire, Convictions, and Childlike Faith